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SoleWise School of Reflexology | Admissions and Policies

School Admissions Requirements


Admission into SoleWise School of Reflexology (SWSR) is dependent upon the following:

  • Must be 18 years of age when classes begin

  • Have at least a High School Diploma or GED

  • No felony convictions

  • Completed Solewise School of Reflexology application with appropriate fee

  • Admissions Interview with school owner

  • Initial $500 down payment


Additional Costs (variable pricing)

Reflexology chair - necessary to offer on-site sessions, in-class practice and in-class clinics   $120 -300

Books / other charts (optional)         $150-250

Lotions/creams/sheets/blanket/pillows/marketing material      $100-300


Withdrawals, Dismissals and Refund Policies


Refund Policy: One half of the deposit and full payment is refunded if student withdraws three days after deposit is made. Fifty percent of the tuition paid may be refunded if the student withdraws before the first 28 hours of classes are complete. Otherwise, student forfeits any payment as classes are run based on enrollment determined that first week of classes. After the fourth class meeting, no refunds are made. If personal circumstances such as illness occurs, a student may meet with the owner to discuss options. Refunds will not be available if leaving the school is based on dismissal by school.

Withdrawal Policy: Withdrawing from a school term may require attending a full new term with full tuition, depending on when student withdrew from classes.

~ Students who simply did not complete outside practice sessions/case studies within 5 months after the last day of class will be required to make up five extra practice sessions and pay an additional fee of $200 to the school.

~ Students who do not meet graduation requirements because of grades will be required to attend the classes not passed during the next term. Makeup options as described under classroom expectations will not be allowed.

Re-admission into a new school term requires consideration by school owner and any instructors who may be involved.

Dismissal by school: Reasons for dismissal from SWSR include:

  • consistent violation of school policies;

  • disrespect of fellow students and for the healthcare profession;

  • non-payment of tuition;

  • missing classes in excess of 11% of in-class time or 20 hours. If the missed time exceeds the 20 hours, retaking the course would then be necessary. Some exceptions may be made and would be determined by the school owner. 

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